
Anaphylaxis Policy


St Dympna’s School is a caring community which promotes and protects the rights of everyone to feel safe and secure in all situations. As such, the school will implement all the required policies and procedures to try to ensure the safety of children who suffer from anaphylactic reactions. These allergic reactions to nuts, dairy, bee stings or other food or substances can cause serious health issues and can, in some situations, be fatal. Rapid onset and development of symptoms are characteristics of anaphylaxis.  The support of the whole community is required to ensure a safe environment in which our children can learn and play.


To provide a safe environment for those who suffer from anaphylactic reactions, St Dympna’s School will ensure:

  1. all parents and children are made aware, through newsletters and meetings, of the school’s request that no nuts, peanut paste, nutella or nut products are brought to school
  2. all children are aware of the dangers of anaphylactic reactions and understand the need for our policy in that no sharing of food, including birthday cakes, is allowed
  3. no nuts, peanut paste, nutella or nut products are available from the Tuckshop
  4. no nuts, peanut paste, nutella or nut products are available at Outside School Hours Care
  5. a current coloured Emergency Action Plan is developed for each child at risk
  6. small photos of “at risk” children and vital information such as phone numbers and emergency treatment will be included in each First Aid bag for teachers on duty. Where possible, teachers will be encouraged to carry a mobile phone on duty.
  7. all staff are trained in Anaphylaxis First Aid and are aware of the expectations requiring them to administer the Epipen in an emergency situation. Research shows that either not using or a delay in using the Epipen can have serious consequences.
  8. children at risk will wear a similar “medical alert” bracelet so that they are easily identified
  9. all staff complete regular First Aid training and certification.
  10. all staff make specific arrangements for particular events such as excursions, parties at school and sports carnivals.

To provide a safe environment for those who suffer from anaphylactic reactions, parents with children at St Dympna’s School will ensure:

  1. the school is provided with a written diagnosis and an individual management plan from the treating doctor to assist in developing an Emergency Action Plan
  2. the school is supplied with the necessary medication (including two Epipens) and ensure all medication is clearly labelled, stored correctly and is kept up to date
  3. potential risks are discussed with the school
  4. children at risk are encouraged to become independent and to be aware of the policy of not sharing food and importance of their medication


The school is to be notified as early as possible about a child’s allergy. Notification will be in writing and will specify the foods and other allergens which may trigger an anaphylactic reaction.

The school is to be provided with a written diagnosis and an individual management plan from the treating doctor. This should include details of the potential severity of the reaction and the details of the prescribed medications. An Emergency Action Plan will be completed and placed in appropriate places around the school.

The school will be supplied with the necessary medication and ensure it is clearly labelled, correctly stored and kept up to date.

Potential risks to the child will be discussed between parents and the school.

Parents will ensure their children are encouraged to become independent and to be aware of the policy of not sharing food and importance of caring for their medication.

The school community will be made aware through newsletters and notices that there are children in the school who suffer from anaphylactic reactions. A request will be made that no nuts, peanut paste, nutella or nut products are brought to school.

Parents with children in the class of a child who is known to suffer anaphylactic reactions will be sent a letter informing them of this and requesting that no nuts or nut products are sent to school.

Everyone in the school community will be made aware that no nuts, peanut paste, nutella or nut products are available from the Tuckshop or at Outside School Hours Care.

The current Emergency Action Plan, including the child’s photo, will be posted around the school (in the classroom, tuckshop, library and staffroom).

All staff are trained in Anaphylaxis First Aid including identification of allergic reactions, the use of the Epipen and the emergency procedures to follow.

The Epipen is available for use in an emergency with one being with the child (either carried by the child or in the First Aid container) at all times and another stored in the School Office.

Children at risk will wear a “medical alert” bracelet so that they are easily identified.

All staff will complete regular First Aid training and certification as specified by Brisbane Catholic Education Office.

All staff will make specific arrangements for particular events such as excursions, parties at school and sports carnivals.

Regular reviews of the child’s management plan will take place to ensure the child’s safety needs are catered for to the best of the school’s ability.